Variable Rates
as low as


Transfer Fee


Transaction Fee


Withdrawal Fee


Top Card Highlights

Low monthly payments

With variable rates as low as APR, you can expect some of the lowest monthly payments out there.

$0 Annual fee

Enjoy your card with no annual fees, putting more spending power in your wallet.

No foreign transaction fees

We'll rebate fees you are charged when using your card to purchase from a merchant outside of the U.S.

Building Credit

Take your fair credit to good credit, by but repairing or building your credit score.
Recommended for
Building your credit score

Do you want to build or repair your credit? This card is great for those who are new to credit or starting over. You can get a free credit report at to monitor your credit score.

Excellent FICO Score
Auto Payments
Tips for making payments on time

Set up AutoPay and never miss a payment or worry about late fees. Making on time payments is great for boosting your credit score.

3 Designs to Choose From
Logix Platinum Strip
Logix Platinum Bot
Logix Platinum Legacy
Ready to boost your funds?

Apply now in minutes with our simple application process.

Logix Platinum Legacy Logix Platinum Strip Logix Platinum Bot
I want a new
credit card.
Logix Mastercard™ credit cards come loaded with great perks. Get some of the best rates in the industry, plus no fees for cash advances - ever! You'll love how much you save.
Logix Platinum Credit Card
I want to increase
my credit limit.
Boost your funds with a card limit increase! Get additional funds for everyday expenses or more buying power for a larger spend.
Additional features that come
with your Logix Mastercard
Mastercard ID Theft Protection
Mastercard assistants will help restore your identity should you become a victim of identity theft.
MasterRental Vehicle Service
Get reimbursement for physical damage or theft of a vehicle rental of up to 15 days.
Enhanced Security
We’ve added a new layer of security to our credit and debit cards, especially useful for cardholders shopping online.
Zero Liability
Mastercard Zero Liability protects against unauthorized purchased if your card is lost or stolen.
Mastercard Global Service
Benefit from emergency customer service - anytime, anywhere, and in any language.
Travel Accident Assistance
Receive up to $200,000 in travel accident insurance.
Check if Savings Secured is for you

We've got plenty of options to choose from. Compare and pick the right one for you.

Compare Credit Cards
Logix Savings Secured Credit Card
Best for:
Building or repairing credit.
Robix Credit Card Options
Need help with your decision?

We're here to help! Whether you need help deciding which card is right for you or if you need help on the application process, give us a call or schedule an appointment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can apply for a Logix Mastercard Credit Card through our website, at your local branch, or through our mobile app.

The Logix Mastercard Credit Card features all kinds of great perks: auto rental coverage, trip cancellation insurance, airport concierge, global service support, no foreign transaction fees, and so much more.

The Logix Platinum Mastercard has great low rates for balance transfers and best if you typically carry a balance from month to month. Click here to see all the card benefits.

The Logix Platinum Rewards Mastercard has one of the best credit card rewards programs around, and best for members that want to earn valuable rewards points with every purchase. Click here to see all the card benefits.

The Logix Savings Secured card is the best card for individuals who are rebuilding or repairing their credit score. Click here to learn about the Savings Secured card.

Click here to compare all credit cards.

A minimum payment of at least 2% of the outstanding balance, but not less than $30.00. If the balance is less than $30.00, the minimum payment amount will be your balance.

If your card is lost or stolen you can cancel it any time through our mobile app, online banking, or by calling us at (800) 328-5328 or (818) 565-2020 (international/direct). Logix Mastercard Credit Cards also feature our Zero Liability policy. This means you aren't responsible for unauthorized purchases if you notify us in a timely manner.

You can have a card for your spouse, joint owner, or other authorized users. They will even have their own card numbers to make it easier to identify the card used for each purpose.

Our No Foreign Transaction Fees benefit means we will rebate fees you are charged when using your Mastercard credit card to make a purchase from a merchant located outside the U.S.

†Zero Liability means you won’t be responsible for unauthorized transactions when you notify us within 60 days from when we sent you the statement on which the item appears. Mastercard Zero Liability also protects against unauthorized purchases if your card is lost or stolen. Conditions and exclusions apply.

Full details about card benefits like Identity Theft Resolution Services and Mastercard Global Service., see the Guide to Benefits.

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Logix Credit Cards are available in the following states: AZ, CA, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NV, and VA.